The Research and Training Centre is one of the pioneer centers under the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA). It has been mandated to promote research and capacity building interventions in Disaster Risk Management (DRM).
The Research and Training centre conducts research on natural hazards such as Drought, Floods, Tropical Cyclones, etc. It also performs relevant and appropriate Disaster research, data analysis and collating, and preparing appropriate reports, briefs and documents containing evidence-based assessments.
To strengthen the capacity of SoDMA and its stakeholders through training and research for effective and sustainable DRM.
The Department of Resilience and Durable Solutions for IDPs of the Somali disaster Management Agency was established in 2017 as part of the former Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management and now is a part of SoDMA in responsibility of Resilience and Durable Solutions for IDPs in Providing technical leadership in Disaster Resilience for vulnerable communities those in risk to affect by natural (Climate shocks) and man-made shocks, rebuild sustainable livelihoods, Food Security, Water, Protection, camp coordination and camp management and Finding a lasting Durable Solutions for Internal Displaced Persons. Role and Responsibility of the Department
Directorate Confidentiality
It is anticipated all communication, capacity building, technical discussions, workshops, and seminars will allow for open and frank discussion and debate in a respectful manner. The Director may deem a particular issue to be discussed confidentially, at any time.
The Department Director is the Senior Responsible person and overall head of all programs in the department and is accountable to the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Director General for the implementation of all programs. Information Sharing/Information Management:
Frequency of Meetings
Both the head of sections and the other staff will meet formally on a weekly basis with the provision for bi-lateral discussion and additional meetings as required. The composition of the agenda for meetings will be agreed in advance with Director.
The Planning, Policy, Monitoring, and Evaluation Department oversees the planning and implementation of projects and policies, as well as the coordination of humanitarian assistance operations across the nation, with involvement from national and international organizations. Article 7 of Law No. 17 of the Agency, established in article 7a, states, "Monitoring and ensuring the performance of all agencies involved in disasters and facilitating communication with the Government." Hence, the policy planning, monitoring, and evaluation department of SoDMA consistently plays a pivotal role in overseeing and coordinating all emergency and relief efforts in the nation. This ensures efficient direction and supervision of these crucial operations. T
he department has accomplished a significant milestone with the establishment of a five-year strategic plan, marking a new direction for the agency since its re-establishment in August 2022.
The departments are divided into six distinct divisions:
This department serves as the major lifeline for the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) and all its departments. Providing services that allow the SoDMA to be fully and substantially functional.
The Administration and Finance department is responsible:
Establishment of NEOC
Somalia has been experiencing a significant number of Natural, Political, and protracted armed conflict connected complex disasters. It clearly outlines the path to Somalia’s ruin paved by the collapse of its government in 1991. Disasters have been always a civil protection matter, and it has been observed that one of the means to contest them is to be prepared before they strike. The Federal government of Somalia (FGS) has prioritized development of capacity at federal and member states level for effective disaster management in its National Development Plans since 2017-2019, and current Dan Qaran government program. In January 2018, the FGS adopted a National Disaster Management Policy which provides a legislative framework for embedding disaster management (DM) within appropriate structures of the government. The aim of this policy is to strengthen national capacities for effective disaster preparedness, response, mitigation, prevention, and recovery, to protect lives and livelihoods, property, environment and the economy at large. The policy recognizes that while the government has the primary role in reducing disaster risk, responsibility should be shared by all stakeholders including local government, civil society, the private sector, and other national and international organizations.
Establishment of a National Emergency Operation Center to Coordinate all emergency preparedness and response operations in the event of a national emergency.
Mission of NEOC
Strengthen Governmental capacity to effectively coordinate and build resilience of communities for emergency preparedness and response according to global best standards and practices.
The National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) was established under the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MoHDM) that later was transferred to Office of the Prime Minister until 3rd August 2023 when the reinstated Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) became institutional home of National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC). The center will focus on strengthening the Somali Governments (including FM states) capacity to manage, coordinate and respond to natural disasters (e.g related to climate change) and conflict. This dual determination SES-secondment has focused on a) The technical coordination for the establishment and Operationalization of the pioneer National Emergency Operations Center and b) To build the Performance capacity, knowledge, attitude and practice of Emergency preparedness and Response (EP&R), mainstreaming Cross-Cutting issues (Gender equality & Equity and environment) and inclusiveness.
The purpose of a National Emergency Response Center is to establish a national hub that will Coordinate all emergency preparedness and response operations in the event of a national emergency and to Strengthen Governmental capacity to effectively coordinate and build the resilience of communities according to global and regional best practices and standards.
This includes contingency plans and developing civil protection mechanisms. Furthermore, the NEOC will by utilizing the newly build G+1 operational building continued capacitating national and sub-national centers and staff.
The Gender Unit of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) mission is to address the immediate needs of disaster-affected populations in Somalia’s poorest communities while tackling the underlying causes of vulnerability. We recognize the critical link between poverty and gender inequality and are committed to promoting gender equality in collaboration with stakeholders.
Gender Strategy:
At SoDMA’s Gender Unit, our goal is to transform humanitarian responses and disaster risk management approaches in Somalia through a systematic gender perspective.
Mainstreaming gender considerations into policies, procedures, and guidelines relating to disaster management and reduction involves integrating gender perspectives at all levels of decision-making and across all aspects of disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and risk reduction. At SoDMA our strategy identifies the following factors to ensure effective mainstreaming.
The Gender Unit at SoDMA aims to ensure that vulnerable women, men, and children receive equitable support and assistance during disasters. By embedding gender equality measures into our operations, we strive to foster inclusive and resilient communities across Somalia.
Join Us
We invite ministries, international and national partners, and stakeholders to explore our initiatives and join us in advancing gender equality and gender mainstreaming in disaster management. Together, we can build a more inclusive and resilient Somalia.
For more information and relevant documentations needed, please contact us at